Content- Since you are here, we are quite sure you are interested to sneak peek at the work-life of the people working with me. Perception- We perceive that the present era is an era of knowledge workers and the society in which We are living in a society that has come, to be known as a knowledge society. Intellectual pursuits have taken precedence over physical efforts. I alone cannot grow unless there is decent growth in my resources. We at Precision Fast Tech India don’t hire the hands of the people. We hire their personalities, beliefs, values, diverse skills and experiences, and everyday behaviors.
Partnership- We believe that human resources are the real owner of the company. They take faultless responsibility for their action. Precision Fast Tech India reside its faith in sharing the responsibility. Hence, we give these young, creative, ingenious, unorthodox minds enough liberty to share their germs of creative, out-of-the-box thought and bring into any changes which align with the company’s mission and vision. Human resources are the most real and active partners.
To maintain the individuality of personnel, we think it true to have collaborative ways instead of confrontational ways and supportive instead of non-supportive methods. There are unspoken and unwritten rules that will help to form bonds between the colleagues at each level.
We don’t accept the thought, “Manage man and man will manage everything for you”. We take it as gospel truth that, “Grow your man and your man will grow everything for you”.
The human resources are obliged to work in safe working conditions and environment. We, Precision Fast Tech India considers human resources as their assets and liability. We provide them with Personal Protective Equipment to save them from any possible injury. They are given proper training to handle hazardous situations of crisis and unsafe conditions.
We put our faith in the holistic development of my human resources. Regular health check-ups and discussions about the importance of personal hygiene take place. The manpower adapts the habit to maintain themselves clean and tidy. The restrooms are washed and scrubbed with disinfectants on an everyday basis to provide the personnel with access to their hygienic needs. Don’t worry, I don’t stink at all. And we wouldn’t like even if you stink. You can attend all your hygienic calls at peace.
We are very fair and unbiased when it comes to performance evaluation and promotions. We attach weight in the ideology “Hustle silently and your results will speak volumes”. No work done, will ever go unnoticed.
We are sure, after reading how cool work life can be, you might surely be interested in working at a place where you can order your boss, to bring in creativity at every step of the day. Click here,
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