A question might arise in your mind, that since everything is clearly mentioned in the work-life of PFTI, why do we need a policy? To be able to understand “why” let us first understand “what”. What is the policy? A set of policies are principles, rules, and guidelines formulated or adopted by an organization to reach its long-term goals. Moving to “Why do we need a policy?”
We need a policy because it gives us guidance, consistency, accountability, efficiency, and clarity. How wonderful the world will be if it explicitly states, what is expected out of us in life. Well, life is never fair, but Precision Fast Tech India is. We design our policy in a fashion where everyone is kept in mind.
Precision Fast Tech India is a key leader in its core business of manufacturing and selling fastening products. This has been made possible only due to the fact that our people are the primary source to keep a check on the competitiveness and the sustainability of our product. ‘They grow and the company grows', with this thought they are able to sustain themselves as well.
While we abide by several government regulations laid out, we also undertake a few unconventional and unique initiatives that go a long way in ensuring their well-being. This clarity helps the workforce to display their dedication and sincerity in the course of their roles and responsibilities.
“If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln. We believe to reach the company's goal, the skills of our human resources must be sharpened every now and then. For that, we make it a point to provide training to them.
“Human resources are the owner” is corroborated in our endeavor to provide the basic and fundamental periphery of work-life balance that reflects in cultural and company values. We offer a family-oriented modern work environment that embodies the concept of attachment, a complete end-to-end engagement with ownership, a focus on high-quality work engagement with our employees, and we put our efforts into displaying and earning the trust of our employees.
These policies go from the very basic like the leave policy, dress code policy, behavior and discipline policy, recruitment and termination policy, to very complex policies like grievance handling policy, anti-corruption policy, and anti-harassment policy. You will be oriented about various Human Resource policies when you set your foot on the campus.
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