Quality is not an act, but a habit By the time you have reached this section of the website, we are sure you are expecting the unexpected. So, why don’t you sit back and unfasten that seat belt and relax and leave the matters of quality to us? Enjoy the story of how we, Precision Fast Tech India, got “quality” as our pseudonym.
It started when our founder Mr. Miraj Khimasiya had a twinkle of thought in his eye to establish a company known for its excellence. The idea for supremacy was so crystal clear that it reflects in every breath we take. Here are the five senses which make it possible for us to stay by our words of excellence.
“Well begun is half done”. The thought was so authentic that it had to start the right way to have the result of consistent integrity. For that, we have our own in-house raw material processing unit. We don’t buy and let someone else determine the quality of the raw material.
The raw material produced in our in-house unit is of supreme quality. A Paramount amount of supervision and caution is taken at this very stage, to shun the chances of a quality downturn.
Our products might have never reached abroad (though our near dream is to), but we are gratified that our companion is from Taiwan. All the types of machinery are imported from one of the best companies from Taiwan. These companions give us stability and help us perform our duty towards our master to the fullest.
These machines help us to deliver quality products and timely services. Safety and precision are addon perks while engaging with these mechanisms.
wasn’t it obvious that we would do sharpen our tools so well that when we entered the race of ultimate quality, there wasn’t a scope for us to stand second. Precision Fast Tech India honored our birth giver with the ISO certification. We hold the certification of ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management System.
This certificate says it all for the level of quality we deliver and are constantly adhering to meet the standards. That feather on our cap gives us great pride and it reflects in our customer expectation for prominent quality. We have made it a habit to maintain the quality by the standards.
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. The complex procedure of testing the product is done to guarantee precision and accurate result delivery. The quality control lab helps to detect errors and builds up reliability.
Precision Fast Tech India has established a quality control lab which is equipped with one of the finest digital microscopes, hardness tester, torque testing machine, optical sorting machine, video measuring machine, magnascope, and other add, which help to extensively trace back the error, even if it meant to dig to the raw material. The independent laboratory generates genuinely independent, multi-method, and multi-analyzer data.
We not only have a quality control lab but also highly trained quality control personnel. With every step, they keep a check on the standards. Having the right machines and the right crew gives us the edge to maintain our quality standards.
All of this wouldn’t have been made possible, had we not been the offspring of a very experienced man. 40 years of fascinating experience was poured in our veins, that even at a glance we could tell if there was substandard quality delivery. What are the use of the right machine, the right control lab, and the right team in absence of experience? We are blessed that every step, we were guided by the expert holding a vast experience. We are great divers as we don’t swim in unknown waters.
The water was very much known and we are wise due to the wisdom of the dignitary. With a glimpse of the eye, we could spot the faulty work. What dauntlessness could say devices could not.
As we come to the end of the story, we are sure our founder’s belief stood grounded and we can uphold the value of the pseudonym given to us. You might be fascinated after reading these facts, but let us tell you, it is our sweat, determination, and hard work. It was the twinkle of thought in the eyes of our founder which came true and to tell you, it wasn’t magic.
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